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Website design, development and promotion services.

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Webdesign, promotion & hosting

Webdesign Services - Internet services (webdesign, graphic arts, site maintenance) pricing list.

Previous Clients - Detailing of services rendered by me for past clients in the Kearney Nebraska area.

Website Promotion
- Details of promotion services. Including quick market studies, in dept market studies, website modifications, application of SEO and ongoing Search Engine Promotion services. Price listing.

Web Hosting - Webhosting packages details including setup fees, monthly fees, e-mail acounts included, URL format and weather or not search engine submittal is included.

Monetize Website
- Not all visitors will convert on your site. Use these wasted visitors to gain free revenue!

New Computer Concerns

Reasons to get a computer - The reasons to get a computer and the reasons not to get a computer are discussed here. From price to moral concerns are addressed.

Before Buying your new computer - This page will address some of the concerns you need to think about before purchasing a new computer.

Computer Assembly, before you begin - Everything that needs to be prethough out when adding a computer to your home is discussed here.

Computer Assembly, when the computer hits the table - From opening the boxes, to turning it on for the first time. Good advice on everything from how to deal with wire routing to the various ports and cable types of the modern personal computer.

Computer Fundamentals, The interaction - Starting out from the very beginning. The computer environment and the ways to interact with it is the topic of discussion here.

Computer Fundamentals, Exploring your computer - Topics include the task bar, the start menu and nesting menus. Also talked about are the icons on either end of the task bar and their meanings.

All about windows, no curtains needed - Topics covered in this section are how your new computer displays the information you are working with.

Computer Terms

Operating System Internet Setup

Email / Browser Setup

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